Older people often cite transportation as being one of the most important factors in the ability to remain independent, meet the obligations of daily life, and avoid becoming isolated.
Brookline is unique in that three of the major Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority transit lines run through the community. In addition, the town is served by several of the MBTA's bus lines. Also, Brookline, through its Council on Aging, provides a range of transportaion services for elderly citizens.
Vision Zero
A Program to Eliminate Traffic Fatalities through Changes in Roadway Design and Related Policies

- Len Wholey - Brookline Transportation Board and Town Meeting Member
- Brian Kane - Chair, Brookline Transportation Board and Executive Director, MBTA Advisory Board
- The problem of car crashes in Brookline
- Previous attempts to address the problem
- What is Vision Zero?
- Steps toward Vision Zero in Brookline
* Transportation Resources, Information, Planning & Partnership for SeniorsCity dwellers of all ages and abilities are reducing their dependence on driving and opting for a driving-free lifestyle. Luckily, as seniors in our area transition from driving, they are spoiled for choice when it comes to travel options. The TRIPPS program offers the support of a network of volunteers who are ready to offer seniors individual, personalized support as they explore and expand their transportation options. In addition, we publish a resource guide with a comprehensive list of travel options both in print and online. Finally, we also host a variety of educational programs in Brookline and beyond to raise awareness in older adults on the issues of driving retirement. Have a transportation related question? Want to know more about the MBTA, Uber/Lyft or the RIDE? Contact Maria at her or or call her at 617-730-2644.
The latest edition of the TRIPPS Resource Guide to Senior Transportation Options can be found here.
This report, issued April 1, 2019, describes local transportation experiences of Brookline Seniors in the context of current research on older adults, transportation and community life.
TRIPPS is offering Transportation Options for Older Adults as a guide to options during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Through Transportation Options
Help Steer SeniorsSeventy percent of Brookline seniors use walking as their primary mode of travel ' a statistic that may explain the Council on Aging's abiding interest in helping them with transportation options.
That commitment by the COA was on full display at its Dec. 14 Board meeting when Maria Foster, the COA's Transportation Coordinator, provided a presentation on the informational resources available to the town's seniors as they navigate their way locally and beyond. In addition, she manages the Council on Aging's subsidized transportation programs.
Maria, who also serves as coordinator of the TRIPPS (acronym for Transportation, Resources, Information, Planning and Partnership for seniors) program, began her remarks by recalling that the program was launched in 2015 when volunteers working on behalf of seniors took note of older adults who were moving away from driving.
The years since have produced a printed guide about transportation options for seniors, training in how to use the MBTA, and the creation of opportunities for peer-to-peer and individual support. The onset of the pandemic three years ago accelerated those efforts and led to funding from the state Department of Transportation for the production of transportation- related educational videos, accompanied by written support materials, for end users and for other Councils on Aging.
At the COA Board meeting, Maria showed brief clips from three of the videos, which focus on Uber and Lyft, the Transit App, and getting around with the use of Google maps.
A filmed introduction to the videos featured a familiar face, locally and, for that matter, nationally. Former governor Michael S. Dukakis appeared on screen to tout the benefits of public transit, a cause he has championed during his entire career in government and higher education. COA Director Ruthann Dobek acknowledged his latest contribution to that cause, saying the now-89-year-old Brookline resident 'was so willing to volunteer his time.'
More information about TRIPPS can be obtained by contacting Maria Foster at 617-277-2730 or by visiting this site.
Transportation Videos

After receiving a grant from the Mass Department of Transportation in June 2021, The TRIPPS Program (Transportation, Resources, Information, and Planning & Partnerships for Seniors) of the Brookline Council on Aging produced a series of three instructional videos (with an introduction by our own resident governor, Mike Dukakis!) on using technology to access transportation. To view video, click here
In partnership with the Brookline Interactive Group these videos show how to use ride hail (Uber/Lyft) apps, Transit (the public transit app), and the Google Maps app. All materials developed plus supporting written guides can be found here: n-Resources-Guides.
You can view all past Age-friendly TV shows and read all past newsletters and committee meeting notes.
The T
Everyone over the age of 65 is eligible to ride the MBTA at a discounted fare with the use of an MBTA senior identification card. To obtain a card you must go to the Back Bay Station or Downtown Crossing Station and fill out an application. Proof of age is required (for example, a birth certificate or Medicare card). Cards are valid for five years. (Link to the MBTA website.)
Brookline Senior Center Van

The Brookline Senior Center Van provides door-to-door transportation to the Senior Center. The van's hours of operation are Monday through Wednesday, from 9 am to 4 pm, and Thursdays from 10 am to 4 pm. The suggested donation for this service is $1.00 per ride. For more information or to schedule a ride, call 617-730-2750.
Brookline Elderbus
The Brookline Elderbus makes an hourly circuit every weekday from 9 am to 3 pm that includes the Brookline Senior Center, elderly housing, shopping areas, and the Longwood Medical area. A contribution of 50 cents is requested, though not required. Schedules are available in English, Russian, and Chinese from the Senior Center, the bus driver, or here (English).
Brookline Elder Taxi System (BETS)
BETS is a program that enables income-eligible Brookline residents to purchase discount taxi coupons at reduced rates. $10 worth of taxi coupons can be purchased for $5.
To be eligible for BETS, an indiviudal must be 60 years or older with an income not exceeding $46,300; for a couple the limit is $52,950. First-time purchasers or their representatives must apply at the BETS office (Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester St.) with proof of income. Subsequent purchases can be obtained by mail.
BETS is sponsored by the Council on Aging, a Community Development Block grant, and all licensed Brookline cab companies.
For information, call the BETS office at 617-730-2740.
Sidewalk Plowing
Maps showing those sidewalks that the town plows.
- All property owners are responsible for clearing the sidewalks in front of their buildings, within a certain time frame, as specified in the bylaw.
- The fact that the Town plows certain sidewalks does not give property owners abutting those sidewalks a free pass not to clear the sidewalk.
- The Town may prioritize clearing the streets before they clear the sidewalks, so if abutting property owners on these sidewalk routes wait for the Town sidewalk plows to come, the snow may become overlly compacted and/or icy.
THE RIDE is operated by the MBTA and provides handicapped accessible, door-to-door transportation service for
those unable to use public transportation due to a medical condition. The program requires an application that must
be completed by both the applicant and by a licensed health care or human services provider.
The RIDE provides medical and non-medical transportation on a space available basis to most destinations serviced by the regular MBTA system. One-way transport costs $2.
Application requests and general informaiton are available on the T website or by calling 617-222-5123. To request a trip, or to confirm a trip, call 877-765-7433.
Hospital Shuttle Buses
Partner's Healthcare: Partner's offers many shuttles that travel from various community locations to the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), Faulkner Hospital, and Massachusetts General Hospital.
Shuttle buses for Brigham and Women's Hospital, leave every 15 minutes from 10 Brookline Place. Individuals going to the Faulkner Hospital or Mass. General can then catch another shuttle at Brigham and Women's. For schedules, click here.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute: A shuttle bus to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute leaves every 30 minutes from 1309 Beacon Street, Trader Joe's.
Medical Escorts
Several local agencies provide volunteers or paid workers that accompany frail seniors to medical appointments. Details here.
The Car‑Sharing Alternative
Parked throughout Brookline (and over the line in Boston) are scores of cars that can be rented for as little as an hour at a time.
Zipcar (1-866-4ZIPCAR) is a membership-based car-rental company with a one-time application fee of $25 and an annual fee of $50. Reservation rates start from $8 an hour or $66 per day. Gas, insurance, and maintenance are included in the price.
Zipcar members can reserve cars online or by phone just minutes prior to a trip or as long as a year in advance. Users of zipcars have automated access to the cars they have reserved -- a wireless chip allows access to the car only at the hour it has been reserved. By swiping the windshield with their personal "zipcard," drivers unlock the door, find the key (already in the ignition), and go.
Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.
Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.