Links to Articles,
Websites, and Blogs
This page alerts readers to Articles, blogs, and other websites that offer additional
material on issues related to aging and independent living. We will update this page regularly.
How to qualify for a service animal. Learn how to navigate regulations, eligibility, and best practices for acquiring a service animal.
Who Will Care for
"Kinless" Seniors? Nearly one million Americans have no immediate family to provide
assistance if needed.
Comprehensive Guide to Elderly Community Resources. In this guide, we will explore the
various resources and programs available for the elderly, and how they can benefit both seniors and
their caregivers.
Resource Guide for Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities
Not Asking the Most Important Questions About Age. In a way, the persistent debate about Mr.
Biden's age represents a mass delusion that we are still a nation of the young.
Best Medical Alert Systems Chosen by Our Testers. After testing 23 devices, we hand-picked
the four top medical alert systems. Learn what features stood out and what disappointed us about each
100+ Senior Discounts To
Maximize Savings In 2022
The 15 Best Apps For
Seniors. The top 15 apps for seniors, prioritizing ease of use, visual clarity, as well as
security, and health.
Best Internet
Plans and Discounts for Seniors
End-of-Life Planning
Guide for Medicare Patients and Families. End-of-life planning when you're in full health
can bring comfort to you now and peace to your loved ones after you pass.
A Guide for Seniors.
A website to guide seniors and retirees when they need help. It covers:
- Financial Help
- Health Care
- Help with Rent
- Housing Assistance
- Food Assistance
- Clothing Assistance
- Transportation Assistance
- Daily Life and so on
Free Phone
Plans for Seniors & Disabled: Lifeline Program Guide
Citizen Internet Security Resources
102 Scientific Benefits of
Having a Dog
Winter Spaces: Ideas for Municipalities to Embrace Winter.' With ideas and examples, the
guide can help any city or town create a project that helps people of all ages maintain an ability to
exercise, access community assets, and get outside safely.
The guide and corresponding
resource list offers advice on:
- Promoting Winter Walkability
- Creating Winter Destinations
- Connecting to Funding Opportunities
- Resources to find examples and helpful information
from the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative
Senior Home Injuries. As we get older, it is ideal to maintain as much independence as we
can. However, this doesn't come without its challenges and home injuries are a significant issue for
seniors to deal with. Whether you're an OAP* or a carer, friend or relative of a senior citizen, the
following article will equip you with the necessary knowledge to avoid in-home injuries for seniors.
*Old Age Pensioner. Article is British but generally applies everywhere.
Internet Safety Guide For Seniors. The internet
is full of potential dangers. The internet doesn't have to be dangerous, though. With the right tools
and information, you can actively use the internet without fear of being targeted.
How Pets Can Benefit Older
People's Mental and Physical Health. Are you thinking about getting a pet? Do you share your
home with a furry friend already? Aside from being cute and furry (or feathery), pets can bring a lot
more than we think to our lives, especially as we get older.
Guide to
Decluttering and Downsizing for Seniors. Understand why seniors downsize, the challenges
they face when doing so, and how you can best approach the situation so they can stay safe, healthy
and comfortable.
Benefits &
Discounts for Seniors Senior benefits and discounts can help you make the most of your
retirement dollars. Knowing what's available to you can help you plan your retirement finances more
effectively and efficiently.
Donation Pick
Up or Drop Off Options Near You. Don't waste time moving or storing excess furniture or
clothing; donate it instead. This comprehensive guide lists several charities that offer donation pick
up services.
45 Free Apps for Seniors
to Promote Independence. Technology doesn't age discriminate. Its usefulness and
practicality is undeterred by your life experience or the color of your hair ' whether it's full of
color or beginning to gray. In recent years, record numbers of seniors have opted to live more
digitally connected lives.
Best Medical Alerts Based on
In-Depth Reviews. The best medical alerts and how to find one that fits the specific needs
of the user.
Caring for the
Elderly in the Community. Caring for the elderly requires meeting the individual patient's
unique needs in a holistic way. This necessitates a balanced and multidisciplinary approach to produce
optimum health and wellness outcomes.
Elder's Place. EldersPlace was started by Brian
and his Grandpa Jerry as a way for Jerry to learn some internet surfing basics. Instead of just
letting the site sit and be nothing, Brian and Jerry decided to give it a mission, so now it's
dedicated to helping senior citizens get the most out of their lives as possible.
Internet Service
Discounts for Seniors. Here a few providers with senior discounts that you can check out.
for the Aging LGBTQ+ Community: Healthcare, Financial Planning, & Long Term-Care.
Tips for Seniors and People With Disabilities. Hiring movers, downsizing and processing
emotions are just some of the things you'll have to consider when helping a senior or individual with
disabilities move into a new home. This site discusses some resources to help make the move easier.
A Senior's Guide To Medical Alert
Systems In 2019. A personal emergency response system (PERS), often called a medical alert
system, can help seniors maintain a degree of independence without sacrificing the peace of mind of
family and friends concerned for their health and well being.
There are many medical alert system options available and before choosing the one best suited to your
situation or that of a loved one, it is important to understand the factors that may contribute to
your system choice.
Best Medical Alert
Systems.Information on medical alert systems with reviews of products and services.
Elder Impact Web Site. The author has gathered some
terrific resources on ways for seniors to lead happier, more active lives.
How to Stay on The Road
Longer and Still Drive Safely.
This guide is not written to tell a 'caring someone' what to look for before taking our keys away. It
is written for us, to look at all the steps we can take to push that day off as far as possible, while
still remaining a safe driver.
Transportation Resource and Information Guide'. 2016. Contains detailed information for
Brookline and Newton MA residents on wide variety of ride services.
Aging and Baby Boomers. Web site and blog by
Sally Abrahms, Brookline resident and national journalist on senior issues. Topics : Housing,
Caregiving, Work and Lifestyle
ConfrontingAging was created to enhance
your understanding of the aging process, and provide answers to questions you or someone you know will
face as they grow older.
World Health Organization: Ageing and Life
Topics include: Active aging, Elder abuse, Age-friendly cities. Also includes list of publications
The Legacy Project: Lessons for Living
from the Wisest Americans.
This Cornell University research project collects practical advice for living from America's elders.
It now has nearly 1500 responses to the question: "What are the most important lessons you have
learned over the course of your life?" Material is organized by topics such as: work and career,
money, how to be happy, living with loss, and aging well.
National Center for Creative Aging (NCCA).
Dedicated to fostering an understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and
healthy aging and to developing programs that build on this understanding. Includes events, news,
contacts, examples of programs.
Life in the End Zone.
A discussion meant for anyone interested in issues of life's final phase, by Muriel R. Gillick, MD,
Palliative Care and Geriatrics/Clinical Professor of Population Medicine, Harvard Medical School
NCOA, National Council on Aging. Nonprofit
service and advocacy organization. A voice for older Americans and the community organizations that
serve them, bringing together nonprofit organizations, businesses, and government to develop creative
solutions that improve the lives of all older adults.
The New Old Age Blog, New York Times.
Thanks to the marvels of medical science, our parents are living longer than ever before. Adults over
age 80 are the fastest growing segment of the population; most will spend years dependent on others
for the most basic needs. That burden falls to their baby boomer children. In The New Old Age, Paula
Span and other contributors explore this unprecedented intergenerational challenge
Getting Over Grief: Understanding
its Stages and How to Heal. Grief is a human and personal response to loss. Most of the
literature dealing with grief refers it as a result of the loss in human life. However, a grief
response can also occur in the face of other types of losses such as health, career, status, role,
divorce, financial loss, and more. The reaction includes different expressions of sadness, anger and
other emotional, cognitive and behavioral components, which may vary from person to person and from
case to case.
A 'Prevalent and Insidious' Health Threat.
The World Health Organization has begun four studies intended to define ageism and identify ways to
combat it.
Communities Can Prepare for the Growing Aging Population. From the MPH
online program from Baylor University's Robbins College of Health and Human Sciences. This
article discusses the World Health Organization's (WHO) age-friendly
cities program. Brookline has been part of that
program since 2012 and was the first community in New England to participate.
to College as an Older Adult.Tips for a Successful Mid-Life Stint in School.
and Seniors
Canine Caregivers
for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients
Pets for the Elderly Foundation
Sage: Advocacy &Services for LGBT Elders. Rights,
resources, and support.
Center for Medicare Advocacy. Established
in 1986, a national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that provides education, advocacy and legal
assistance to help older people and people with disabilities obtain fair access to Medicare and
necessary health care. Site includes news Articles, factual information,
and updates on litigation.
American Geriatrics Society, Public Policy and Advocacy.
Information on the organization's current priorities and general resource material.
Massachusetts Senior Action
Council. As a democratic grassroots senior-run organization, The Massachusetts
Senior Action Council (MSAC) is committed to empowering seniors and others statewide in
Massachusetts to act collectively to promote the rights and well being of all people,
particularly vulnerable seniors.
Services & Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE). National program, based in New York
City. Site includes programs, advocacy, issues, publications, news.
OWL, Older Women's League. OWL is
a national grassroots membership organization that focuses on issues unique to women as
they age. OWL strives to improve the status and quality of life for midlife and older
Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts.The
Community AGEnda initiative, a special project of Grantmakers In Aging, has
accelerated the implementation of age-friendly and intergenerational initiatives in five
regions and fostered partnerships with other domestic and international organizations
focused on expanding age-friendly activities.
Top 20 Bed Rails for
Seniors. To help you with your research process, we've put together a list of the top 20 bed
rails for seniors.
The Be
st Cell Phones for Seniors in 2022
Walk-In Tub Benefits For Veterans
Learn how to get approved.
Top Tips for DIY
Home Safety. With just a small investment in time and a few dollars, you can make your home
safer and more comfortable by following these do-it-yourself tips.
10 Aging in
Place Home Modifications for Seniors We've put together 10 aging in place home modifications
to help you age comfortably and safely in your own home.
How Can
You Improve Indoor Air Quality? 11 Simple Ways to Reduce Toxicity. Wondering how you can
improve your home's indoor air quality? Here, we'll walk you through some of the most common indoor
air pollutants and how to reduce them yourself ' and with the help of pros.
Public Safety Experts: A
Look at Home Security. A comprehensive guide to securing your home.
Modifications & Accommodations for Seniors. Luckily, whether you're able to make major
modifications or minor changes, there are plenty of ways to redesign your home so all of its residents
are safe and comfortable.
Modifications for Seniors and People with Disabilities. The bathroom is one of the places
that require careful attention especially if there are seniors who chose to age in place.
Complete Guide to Ergonomics and Senior Safety. Ergonomics is the science of identifying the
correlation between humans and the systems, and optimizing the system for humans to make it easier to
use. The primary goal of ergonomics is to make workplaces safer and more comfortable. However,
ergonomics plays a critical role in senior care too.
in place: Renovating with independence in mind. Most Americans settle in a home, envisioning
a permanent life refuge. Achieving this vision of aging in place, though, means preparing the home now
to anticipate future needs. Doing so successfully can allow older adults to remain independent,
autonomous and in charge of their home security as they age.
Stair Chair Lift.
This guide will walk you through all of the different options, give you an idea of costs, and help to
consider what type of stairlift is right for you. After all, a stair chair lift is a safety device
that can allow an individual to remain living at home for longer.
Knowing which option is best and how to find the best price for that option is crucial in improving
the quality of life for those with reduced mobility.
Guide to Smart Home Tech For the Disabled and Elderly. People who are disabled or advanced
in age will benefit from smart home technology more than others. Smart home devices do more for people
who might otherwise not be able to control things in their homes on their own. The options that people
can find for their smart home needs cover a diverse array of functions.
Home Renovation For
Aged Parents Well-Being
Stair lifts
reviewed.The ConsumerAffairs team developed a guide all about purchasing stair lifts. The
guide was created to help consumers find verified reviews, compare brands and determine which stair
lifts best fit their needs.
AARP Livable Communities.
Great Places for All Ages. AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities--an institutional affiliate of the
WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities. Resources include: What's a livable
community? Develop a Strategy. How to Implement. Examples of successful implementation.
Elder Gadget. provides reviews
and news about highly rated consumer electronics, highlighting senior-friendly features. Includes
cameras, televisions, tablets, and health products.
GenPhilly, an organization that has spawned a
movement in Philadelphia to encourage young professionals in their 20s and 30s to be sensitive to the
needs of older people and thereby improve the city.
MIT AgeLab was created in 1999 to invent new ideas
and creatively translate technologies into practical solutions that improve people's health and enable
them to live productively throughout the lifespan. Equal to the need for ideas and new technologies is
the belief that innovations in how products are designed, services are delivered, or policies are
implemented are of critical importance to our quality of life tomorrow.
Make it Safe Home Safety.
We help New England Seniors & those with physical limitations remain independent at home. Our grab
bars and home modifications make bathrooms and living spaces safer, more accessible and bring peace of
mind to independent living.
Senior's Guide to Computer Basics.Computers are an invaluable part of modern society that's
become as standard as cars. Although they are now commonplace, when compared to telephones and
televisions, computers can still be considered a somewhat new addition to the ranks of household
consumer electronics. While it may be difficult to find a home or a business that does not have some
type of computer, some individuals still do not use or feel comfortable using them. Often, it is
senior citizens who have yet to embrace this technology. While some elderly individuals are
computer-savvy, these devices may seem foreign, complicated, and frightening to others.
Home Remodeling
Modern Retirees, There's No Place Like Home.
By Keith Schneider. New York Times, March 13, 2013. Active elders want to be independent and where the
action is.
One Roof, Building for Extended Families.
By Penelope Green, New York Times, November 29, 2012.
Including Village Movement
Assisted Living: A Comprehensive Guide for 2024
- What is assisted living?
- The benefits of assisted living
- Is assisted living right for me?
- How much does assisted living cost?
- How to choose the right assisted living facility
Assisted Living in Massachusetts. Compare the best assisted living facilities in Massachusetts
The essentials of safe, independent living for seniors. In this guide, we’ll look to provide a rounded approach for any senior people looking to live on their own safely and comfortably.
and Support for Older Adults Living Alone: A Comprehensive Guide.
- Suggestions for living independently (and thriving) without becoming lonely
- Examples of how to age in place using in-home assistance and technology
- Little-known resources like the NCOA's own BenefitsCheckUp tool which helps older adults identify
their potential eligibility for benefits and programs
Living Massachusetts
Memory Care in
Massachusetts Find quality senior care and living options near you
essentials of safe, independent living for seniors.
- Support to help you live independently at home
- Accessibility in the home
- Types of independent living opportunities
- Finance management when living independently
- Home safety advice
Home Fit Guide,
A free publication (available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese) featuring smart
ways to make a home comfortable, safe and a great fit for older adults ' and people of all ages. Can
be viewed and downloaded online, or sent for as a paper copy. Free of charge
How to
Age Well and Stay in Your Home.
Jane E. Brody, New York Times, May 21, 2018. 'For those of you with ' concerns about aging family
members and friends, I recommend a very helpful, comprehensive yet not overwhelming book, 'Age in
Place: A Guide to Modifying, Organizing, and Decluttering Mom and Dad's Home,' by Lynda G. Shrager,
'It's cheaper to stay in your home, even if you have to make some renovations and get an aide a few
days a week to help'. Offers ideas on how to do this.
Gardening Resources
for Seniors. Regardless of your age, there is nothing like going outside, getting your hands
dirty, and tending to the garden.
Age in Place. National Aging in Place Council.
Includes lists of service providers, directory of local chapters, a blog, and other information
related to helping aging persons have a healthy and comfortable life at home.
National Shared Housing Resource Center.
Clearinghouse of information for people looking to find a shared housing organization in their
community or to help get a program started.
Women for Living in Community. 'Women
For Living in Community brings together women, as natural leaders and nurtures, to create communities
for growing older with grace and dignity. We also connect with existing community models and
professionals to provide the necessary resources and alternatives.' For women themselves, their
families, or their older relatives.
Village to Village Network helps communities to
establish and manage their own
The dawn of age-friendly
communities. Some forward-thinking initiatives to improve quality of life for people of all
This June 13, 2019 article by long-time BrooklineCAN member Sally Abrahms
describes the attibutes of age-friendly communities and gives examples of initiatives by states,
cities, and other organizations. BrooklineCAN is one of her examples.
some seniors, a cultural shift and a vital volunteerism. July 8, 2018 Boston Globe
article describing the village movement and its origins.
Turn to Virtual Villages for Mutual Support By Constance Gustke, New York Times, November
29, 2014
for a Housemate, Not a Mate, in Later Life'. By Harriet Edelson, New York Times, July 11,
2014. Describes organizations offering advice to people interested in shared living arrangements. Two
of these are Women for Living in Community and National Shared Housing Resource Center.
A National Overview of Villages: Results from a 2012 Organizational Survey.
Rutgers School of Social Work. December 1, 2012. 8 pages. Includes bibliography.
Aging in
Place: A State Survey of Livability Policies and Practices. (pdf) Two-page summary of a
Research Report by the National Conference of State Legislatures and the AARP Public Policy Institute.
December 2011. 'The vast majority of adults want to 'continue to live in their own homes or
communities'. This report examines state policies that can help older adults age in place.'
Together to Make Aging a Little Easier' by Elizabeth Pope.
The Only People
Who Understand What a Caregiver Goes Through. Mentoring programs support those starting to
care for family members with dementia.
How to Care for
Yourself as a Caregiver. Forget weekend escapes or yoga retreats. More realistic tools are
available, experts say.
Guide to Senior Health. When seniors begin to lose their ability to care for themselves, the
importance of caregiving in senior health cannot be overstated.
A Complete Guide To Recognizing,
Reporting And Preventing Elder Abuse in 2022 [Protecting The Ones You Love]. Using this
definitive guide to Elder Abuse, you can gain a deeper understanding of elder abuse and the people
that are impacted. Additionally, it includes tips on recognizing and combating elder abuse, together
with ways loved ones can do to help prevent or combat it.
A Guide to
Spotting and Preventing Elder Abuse. This guide is for loved ones and caregivers of older
adults as well as for those experiencing elder abuse.
parents checklist: A guide to senior life planning
People Pay a High Price to be an Unpaid Caregiver. Michelle Singletary, Washington Post,
December 1, 2018. Reports studies Discusses studies on the financial and personal costs of family
caregiving, and provides guidance on ways to plan realistically for this responsibility.
A Family's Guide to Caring for Aging Parents.
This guide takes you through the essential things you need to take into account when considering
in-home care so you can help your beloved lead full, supported lives when they need it the most.
Caregiver's Guide to Understanding, Recognizing, and Preventing Elder Abuse. Maryville University has created this
guide to provide you with all the information you need about elder abuse. This resource will define
the various types of elder abuse, outline the signs of elder abuse, offer ways you can help, and
explain how to properly report it as well. Whether you are looking to provide senior care as a medical
professional or simply want to make sure a family member is well cared for, this guide will help
prepare you to recognize, report, and ultimately prevent elder abuse.
for Hiring an In-Home Caregiver. When hiring a caregiver, it's important to make sure you're
hiring right. Nothing is more important than the health, well being and happiness of your loved one.
Following this checklist will help ensure you're getting a caregiver who's responsible, compassionate,
honest and has the appropriate expertise and credentials for your needs.
Helpful Tips to Assist a Family Caregiver
Caregiver Resource Guide. We
simplify the process of finding affordable, quality non-medical caregiver agencies anywhere and
provide reliable information about in-home care services and helpful resources for elderly seniors
wanting to live at home but needing assistance to do so safely.
Genius of Caring Community 'Welcome to the
beta-version of The Genius of Caring, a story-sharing community made up of family caregivers, friends
and those whose lives have been touched by Alzheimer's and those whose lives have been touched by
Alzheimer's and other caregiving intensive diseases. We invite you to view our caregiver video
portraits. While engaging with the content, you will be prompted to share how Alzheimer's has touched
your life.'
Advancing Family Caregiving, through Research,
Innovation and Advocacy. National Alliance for Caregiving.
Caregiving Resource Center. AARP.
Family Caregiver Alliance. National Center on
Caregiving. Public voice for caregivers at the national, state, and local levels. Founded in
the late 1970's, community-based non-profit. Advocacy, educational resources, online support groups.
Nursing Home Abuse Guide.Nursing home
abuse is a very difficult issue to face. Existing in many forms, many of which are not evident by
clear physical signs, it is a problem our society is far too familiar with.
Nursing Home Abuse Center. Upwards of
10 million seniors experience nursing home abuse and neglect in "safe" places like nursing homes and
by people they trust.
Safety for the Disabled. A family and caregivers guide. Caring for aging parents is
challenging enough, but imagine how much more difficult this becomes if your parent is disabled.
Caregiver's Guide to Sleep.
Read on to see how caregiving can affect sleep, why better sleep can improve the caregiving
experience, and what specific tips will help caregivers get better shut-eye ' starting tonight.
is hard enough. Isolation can make it unbearable.' By Paula Span. New York Times, August 4,
2017. Many caregivers feel trapped at home and neglected by friends and family.
Who Are No Spring Chickens Themselves'. By Paula Span. More people over than 75 are caring
for partners, siblings, friends, and even parents. New York Times, July 3, 2015.
Sometimes Must Sacrifice Their Careers'. By Paula Span. A person caring for another while
holding down a job is performing a balancing act; this can be costly, yet paid family leave is
mandated in only three states. The New York Times, December 8, 2015.
That Lend a Hand'. By Paula Spencer Scott. When caregiving becomes too much to bear, ask for
help. Here are some resources. AARP Bulletin, November, 2015.
Aims to Make Caring for an Ill Loved One Less Onerous'. By Callum Borders, Boston Globe, May
27, 2014.
Goes Digital'and Lets Boomers Age in Place". By Marco della Cava, USA
Today, December 5, 2013. New technology creates "smart homes" for seniors.
Senior Entrepreneurship ' The
Ultimate Guide to Starting a Business Later in Life. Are you past 50, and thinking about
starting your own business? Then this guide on senior entrepreneurship is for you.
How to apply for a job when you're over 50
and avoid age discrimination. Research shows that older job seekers often face age
discrimination. What can you do to prevent ageist bias?
37+ Best Jobs for Seniors
(For All Situations). Our guide explores the best jobs for seniors, divided by category.
Business Ideas. Take the next steps to generate additional income after retirement.
Volunteer Abroad Programs for
Senior Travelers
Senior's Guide to Becoming a Real Estate Agent in Their Golden Years
To Start Looking. Aging expert Sally Abrahms lists more than a dozen web sites to assist
those over 50 in their job searches.
Second Career Ideas. A
'How Stuff Works' site. 'Whether you're a retiree or just looking for a fresh start, these second
career ideas for tips on how to revitalize your worklife.'
Encore Careers Provides information on jobs that
combine personal meaning, continued income and social impact. The site is published by Civic Ventures,
a nonprofit think tank on boomers, work and social purpose. 'While is not a job placement
service, it provides free, comprehensive information that helps people transition to jobs in the
nonprofit world and the public sector.'
as a Bridge Between Full-Time Work and Retirement. By Amy Zipkin. New York Times, February
6, 2015. As baby boomers anticipate working longer and prefer a phased retirement, they are turning to
the growing number of firms that specialize in placing older workers in part-time or temporary
positions in specific industries. Some of the jobs are done on site, while others can be done from
home or another remote location.
Transitions After 55 Don't Have to Be Difficult. By Sally Abrahms. Boston Globe, November
16, 2014.
Start-Ups with Age and Youth as Partners.
By Kerry Hannon. New York Times, September 10, 2013 (Special Retirement Section). Two generations,
joining forces to pursue a common passion.
for Your Second Career?
By Sally Abrahms. AARP Bulletin, October 2013. Examples of seniors who successfully transitioned into
second careers, suggestions on non-profits likely to hire, great part-time jobs, jobs to ride the age
wave, and a list of books and online resources on second careers.
for Finding the Best Retirement Jobs By Sharon O'Brien. Senior Living.
Are You Looking To Maximize Your Retirement Savings? Seven tips that you can consider to maximize your retirement savings effectively.
Calculators, Financial Planners, & Stock Market Tips
Three links from
Senior's Guide to Budgeting and Couponing. Luckily, there are many ways for seniors to
minimize their expenditures without causing painful sacrifices or decreasing their overall quality of
Directory of Programs and Benefits for Low
Income. Our website is a directory of grants and benefits for low-income people and
families. We are listing more than 1000 resources for the ones who need financial, housing and
healthcare assistance.
States That Don't Tax Social Security + 15 Tax-Friendly States for Retirees.
We identified each state that doesn't tax Social Security as well as tax-friendly states for
preserving retirement income.
Inheritance and IRAs. This
guide will give you a comprehensive overview of the implications of inheritance planning for IRAs
while also giving you the tools to better handle your personal inheritance situation.
is a beneficiary and how do you choose one?
A beneficiary is any person or legal entity who is named to receive monetary or other benefits from
your estate.
Digital money for seniors. A data-driven guide on adjusting to the digital future of banking
ways seniors can save money on their car insurance. Thankfully, there are many ways to save
money on an otherwise costly policy.
What Is
Hazard Insurance
for Homeowners?
Assistance, Costs and Payment Options for Eldercare in Massachusetts
Assistance & Funding Options for Assisted Living / Senior Living
Everything You Need to Know About
the FIRE Movement: The Complete Guide to Retiring Early. The FIRE movement is a lifestyle
trend that promotes Financial Independence and Retiring Early. FIRE supporters live a life of
conservative spending and conscious saving with the hopes of retiring in their 30s and 40s. That's
definitely not your average retiree!
Tips for Caring for a Disabled Spouse. Caring for a disabled spouse can be a financial
strain, but you do have opportunities to reduce the burden. There are many tax credits and other tax
breaks available for disabled individuals and their caretakers. Among the most common are the Tax
Credit for the Elderly or Disabled, the Child or Dependent Care Credit, and the Medical Expenses tax
The Growing Cost of
Aging in America.
Do I need
both health insurance and life insurance? Why do you need health insurance and why do you
need life insurance, and will either of them really make a difference in your personal financial
Mortgage and Financial Planning Guide for Seniors.
Topics: Overview, the best options for senior housing, financial options for senior housing, long term
care for seniors, money saving tips for seniors, senior scams and how to avoid them, additional
financial resources for seniors.
Encore A blog about living in and
planning for retirement. Encore examines the changing nature of retirement, from new rules and
guidelines for financial security to the shifting identities and priorities of today's retirees. It
also explores news that affects retirement, from the Wall Street Journal Digital Network and around
the web.
Guide to
Understanding and Preventing Financial Abuse
Money Saving
Tips for Seniors.
Money-saving tips:
health, travel, auto, shopping, home, banking, investing,entertainment, technology, and more. AARP
Bulletin, July/August 2019.
One BrooklineCAN member's experience with computer fraud.
EZDriveMA text message scam. Ignore this text message - "Your vehicle has an unpaid toll bill of $6.99 from last year." It's a scam to get your personal information.
Boston police issue warning about 'overdue parking ticket fee' scam.
WCVB news clip.
Contractor Scam. Brookline Police Advisory: There have been reports of homeowners being scammed by fake home improvement companies who solicit construction work (masonry, decking etc.) and receive thousands of dollars in "deposits" and never heard from again.
Check Washing. Check washing scams involve changing the payee names and often the dollar amounts on checks and fraudulently depositing them.
Protect Your Retirement: How Seniors Safeguard Against Online Scammers. Explores how seniors can protect themselves against online fraudsters and ensure their retirement nest egg remains secure.
How to Avoid Online Scams and What to Do if You Become a Victim. Here are tips on how to dodge some of the most devastating schemes and what to do if you or someone you care about becomes ensnared.
30 Common
Credit Scams:
A Guide for Financially Vulnerable Adults
Five Ways to
Spot an Imposter Scam. Simply put, an imposter scam is when a fraudster contacts you
pretending to be someone they are not in order to steal money or gather valuable personal information.
They might call you on the phone or send a message by text or email. Here are a few tells that can
help you spot the liar.
Smart home security
guide: protecting your IoT‑connected house
Your Parents from Common Digital Traps. What to look for, how to protect your senior
parents, and what to do if they've been scammed.
How To Keep Elderly Loved Ones Safe From
Online Scams While online scams are a serious concern, rest assured there are many ways to
keep your elderly loved ones safe from sophisticated scammers.
Top 10 Senior
Scams and How to Prevent Them. Senior scams are becoming a major epidemic for two reasons.
First, seniors often have a lot of money in the bank from a life of working hard and saving. Second,
seniors often aren't aware of common scams, how they work, and they may be more trusting due to the
time period they were raised in.
Detail Guide on
Online Safety For Seniors: How To Keep Yourself Protected?. The rate of senior citizen scams
has increased significantly in the last few years. This guide will tell you how to identify online
frauds and prevent them from happening to you.
Scams to Avoid as Travel Resumes. AARP's Fraud Watch team warns you of cons that could ruin
your getaway plans
The Ultimate
Online Safety Guide for Senior Citizens. While you think of technology's benefits to
overcoming some of the challenges of aging ' mobility, making friends, managing healthcare and
reducing errands ' it's easy to fall prey to its dark side. Without realizing it, you may be opening
yourself to theft, fraud, and even violence.
Scams. As COVID-19 vaccine distribution begins, here are signs of potential scams:
Scams & Fraud. AARP. Web site that
includes news of latest scams as well as an extensive listing with detailed information about all
tyoes of scams such as charity scams, identity theft, sweepstakes and lottery, and travel
Snopes. Fact-checking site and reference.
Fraud.' Lists phone numbers and web sites for numerous organizations such as 'AARP
Elderwatch Specialist' who can direct you to most appropriate resource. Sources listed include Better
Business Bureau, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, FTC Do Not Call Registry, National Association
of State Attorney Generals, US Postal Service Inspector General
By Sid Kirchheimer. AARP Bulletin, July 3, 2012.
'Phony 'IRS'
Threatens Fines'. By Ron Burley. Watch out for phone calls from scam artists. AARP Magazine,
December 2015.
Don't Fall for This Scam; Thieves Are Making Money by Posing as Family Members in Need.
Internet Basics For
With scams targeting seniors on the rise, the need for updated and accurate resources is more
important than ever. With that in mind, we've created an all-inclusive guide with ways to help seniors
stay safe while using the internet, including:
- A breakdown of common online scams targeting the elderly
- Additional tools for seniors to get the most use from their internet
- Tips and resources to avoid and report online scams
How to Identify and Avoid
Scams Targeting Senior Citizens and the Elderly.
Scammers will use any means to extort money from those they deem to be the most vulnerable. Often,
they target senior citizens. Many seniors are targeted on a daily basis by predatory scammers and
con-artists looking to take advantage of them, and keeping your elderly loved ones informed has never
been so crucial.
If you're worried that you or a loved one is being targeted, this guide will help you learn about
common scamming methods, how to avoid becoming the target of a scam, how to recognize signs that
someone is being affected by a scam, and what to do when you've discovered that a scam has taken
Engage Wellness Drug & Alcohol Rehab. Our recovery experts provide trusted resources and relevant information for individuals and their families struggling with substance abuse.
How Autism Spectrum Disorder Affects Sleep. How Down syndrome affects sleep.
Opioid Addiction. This guide will help you understand what opioids are and how they are different from opiates. You will learn about the different types of opioids and find out how to recognize the signs and symptoms of opioid use disorders and overdose.
Aging and Sleep. Our sleep patterns look different as we get older, and psychiatrist Dr. Ralph Waldo, MD, explains why.
Mental Health Resources for Seniors. This in-depth health guide features various helpful
external resources from trustworthy sources and organizations.
adults and back pain: What to know
A Senior's Guide to Fentanyl. An
understanding of Fentanyl, the threat it poses and how to have conversations with adult children and
Why Are Older
Americans Drinking So Much? The pandemic played a role in increased consumption, but alcohol
use among people 65 and older was climbing even before 2020.
Heat Affects
Older People More. Here's How to Stay Safe. If you're over 65, it's important to take high
temperatures seriously.
Deaths from
Substance Abuse Rose Sharply in 2020. In the pandemic's first year, death rates linked to
alcohol and drugs climbed among seniors as lockdowns and isolation spread.
Ballet Is a Great
Workout for an Aging Body. Classes for 'silver swans' can help you improve balance and find
The Ultimate
Guide to Drug Discounts. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information on how
different groups, including those with specific conditions, the elderly, and children, can access drug
Learning About Drug Education.Substance Use
Prevention Education is a comprehensive drug education platform for individuals of all ages.
Abuse Among Older Adults: Facts And Resources. Though people often associate addiction with
young people, older adults may also experience substance abuse. List Of Top
Massachusetts Rehab Centers.
Addiction Rehab For
Senior Adults
guide for helping retirees navigate the healthcare system. The US Healthcare system can be
challenging for many patients, especially retirees. Learn how to assist older patients with medicare
and other medical challenges.
Behavioral Health Roadmap Toolkit. This tookit contains pre-made
marketing materials and key information about Massachusetts' newest behavioral health services.
Sleep And
Addiction Recovery: How Good Sleep Habits Can Improve Recovery Outcomes. Healthy sleep
habits promote better sleep, which, in turn, helps the addiction recovery process. Quality sleep
improves recovery outcomes by boosting energy, effort, memory, and willpower.
Senior's Guide to Bedroom
Fall Prevention. Here are some steps you can take now to protect loved ones and decrease the
chances of a life-changing fall.
What Is
'Beauty Sleep' and Why Does It Matter? Adequate rest is essential for physical and mental
well-being. It helps manage stress, reduce inflammation in the body, improve concentration and focus
at work or school, and even boost mood.
Alcohol and Sleep While
alcohol may help you fall asleep, it does not provide you with the good night's sleep you need.
Top 100 Nutrition Resources You Should
Know About. Links to some of the finest nutrition websites, apps, and Youtube channels so
that you can stay on top of the latest research and trends.
Resources for Suicide
Prevention. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal ideation or thoughts of
harming yourself, help is out there. Below are resources for suicide prevention that you can use for
yourself or pass along to someone you know.
How to Be Safe from COVID
While You're Cycling
- Safety Check before Riding
- Protecting Yourself from COVID While You're Cycling
- Guidelines for Cyclists
- Reminders
- What to Do in Case You're Sick
Seasonal Allergies.
Discover symptoms, treatment, medications, side effects, and relief for seasonal allergies.
Difference Between Cardiac Arrest and a Heart Attack. Cardiac arrest is what happens when
your heart stops beating due to some kind of malfunction. A heart attack is what happens when
something is blocking blood flow to your heart. They're not the same'but they can be interconnected,
in that a heart attack can sometimes cause cardiac arrest.
for Seniors PDF: Downloadable PDFs for 21 Types of Seniors Exercises
Nutrition Guide for
Seniors: Understanding Nutritional Challenges For People Over the Age of 65
People and Substance Abuse Statistics and Resources
Why the
Risk of Substance Use Disorders Is Higher for LGBTQ People
the Health Effects of Ageism. Through more than three decades of research, the Yale
psychologist Becca Levy has demonstrated that age discrimination can take years off one's life.
Digital Resources for Mental Health. We have compiled a comprehensive list of resources for
anyone seeking information about and/or help for a range of mental health issues.
Guiding You From Addiction to Recovery.
Whether you are struggling with addiction yourself or concerned about a loved one's substance abuse,
our mission is to lead you to a healthier, happier life.
Alzheimer's and Gum
How Does Dementia Affect Oral
Emergency Rooms and Hospitals Near Me.
Emergency Room Wait Times
How to Exercise with
Rheumatoid Arthritis. When you have rheumatoid arthritis, exercise can feel like an
especially hard challenge. Fortunately, there are lots of low-impact exercises that can improve your
muscle strength while supporting your joints.
What You Need To Know About Insomnia
Substance Abuse and Addiction in Older Adults'And How to Help. This guide will explain the
importance of the issue, how to recognize the signs of use and abuse of different substances, and how
to help.
and dementia medication management. Those with dementia may start to forget to take their
pills or refuse to take them. Here are some medication management tips for people with dementia or
First Aid for
People with Alzheimers. Tips to prepare you to recognize dementia and respond to situations
The Connection Between
Sleep Apnea and Health for Seniors
Finds CPAP Effective for Sleep Apnea in Seniors
Seniors Have Difficulty Getting a Good Night's Sleep and 9 Tips That Can Help
Restorative Yoga for
Seniors. Whether you're young or old, fit or overweight, yoga can help you strengthen the
body and calm the mind.
Drug and Alcohol
Treatment Resources for the Elderly. Seniors are not the first demographic that comes to
mind when envisioning drug and alcohol abuse. But individuals in this age group are more severely
impacted by this issue than most people realize.
to Patients With Dementia and Alzheimer's for Nurses and Caregivers
The complete guide
to insomnia and how you can manage it
- An introduction to insomnia
- Managing insomnia
- Trying to improve your energy levels
- Useful links
How to
Deal With Out Of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
What is Alcohol
Alzheimers, Dementia and Memory Care. At, we enable everyone to look through more than 45,000 facilities that provide
dementia and Alzheimer's care.
Substance Abuse
and Addiction in the Elderly Population. A resource page with information on common
addictions, signs to look for, and ways to help someone struggling.
Active in Your Golden Years. It is imperative that older adults and seniors have a proper
diet and exercise as much as they can. Studies show that exercising can improve circulation,
strengthen the heart and bones, aid to prevent various forms of cancer, and help to avoid dementia.
and Palliative Care: A Guide for Families, Caregivers, and Medical Professionals
A Nutrition Guide for Memory Loss
Care and Prevention.
When equipped with the right dietary guidelines, vitamins, and social support from close relatives,
senior adults can help mitigate and prevent loss of memory. This comprehensive guide shares some of
the most simple tactics when it comes to battling disorders that target a person's memory.
Find Dementia & Alzheimer's Facilities Near
You. Memory care facilities are care homes that provide the much-needed care to adults with
memory care issues. Memory care facilities can be in various forms, such as: dedicated dementia care
facilities or communities, dedicated Alzheimer's care facilities, Alzheimer's day care, Alzheimer's
nursing homes, dementia nursing homes, as well as assisted living facilities that provide memory care
services. If you're wondering "how do I find memory care near me?" - browse our full list of all
memory care homes in the U.S. below.
Oral Health Effects. How Your
General Health & Lifestyle Impacts Your Oral Health.
Sleep Guide: Everything To Know About How Sleep Changes As You Age. It's super common to
discover that your sleep habits change with age. So what exactly changes in our bodies throughout
adulthood that causes these shifts in our sleep habits? And what's the relationship between sleep
deprivation and aging?
to Identify and Manage Mental Health Conditions in Seniors. With a global population that is
rapidly aging, understanding the symptoms and risk factors of mental health for older adults is
increasingly important.
Technologies for the Hearing Impaired. Hearing assistive technologies (HATs) are used to
assist people with hearing disabilities in their day-to-day tasks and needs. HATs vary greatly and can
fulfill many functions, depending on the situation and the needs of the individual person. For
example, some HATs may help a person with a hearing aid focus on a specific sound to the exclusion of
other auditory stimuli, whereas others might provide captions, or visual alerts for events signaled by
sound (such as doorbells).
Does Medicare
Cover Dental. The short answer is no! What dental options are available?
Seniors and
Addiction.. This article explores the topic of substance abuse and addiction among the
Senior's Guide to Protecting Yourself and Your Home from Coronavirus.
Prevention and Management. The outcome of a slip-and-fall can be devastating. However, it
may help to know that family members, caregivers, doctors, and nurses can work with an older adult to
deploy effective fall prevention strategies, and respond appropriately if a fall should occur.
Connected During a Period of "Social Distancing".
Social distancing is critical to limiting the spread of the coronavirus, but it also leaves us
disconnected from our community. When we can't physically spend time with others, we can feel isolated
and lonely and that is not good for our health.
It's important at this time to make an extra effort to stay connected to our friends, family and
community members. Make sure to keep in mind those who may live alone or in communities that are
restricting visitors.
(Coronavirus) newsletter.
Healing Power of Pets for Elderly People
Better Sleep for Seniors ' A
comprehensive Guide.
Health Challenges for Aging Americans. Although recent research published in the Journal of Clinical PsychologyExternal link found that
people tend to be happier as they age, it is estimated that 20 percent of the 65 and
older population External link meets the criteria for some type of mental
health disorder.
Senior Sleep Guide
' A Safe Sleeping Guide for Seniors
Fall Prevention
Facts & Tips for Preventing Falls.
Includes information about fall injury statistics, prevention tips, environmental dangers, and
additional fall prevention resources. It also has an infographic and a fall prevention exercises
Benefits of Sleep. A complete guide to the
health and wellbeing benefits of sleep. Chapters:
- The Impact of Sleep on the Body
- Developing a Bad Sleep Pattern
- The Impact of Sleep on Daily Life
- Children & Sleep
- Insomnia
- Useful Links
Drug and Alcohol
Treatment Resources for the Elderly.
Seniors are not the first demographic that comes to mind when envisioning drug and alcohol abuse. But
individuals in this age group are more severely impacted by this issue than most people realize.
A Guide to Congestive
Heart Failure
Essentials for Healthy Aging
with Osteoporosis: Stay Active the Safe Way
Facing Cancer Together was started in 2009 by a
group of clinicians dedicated to providing support services to people with cancer. We serve people
with cancer and their families in the Greater Boston community. Our goal is to help people live the
best quality of life possible while navigating through the cancer experience.
FCT Support Groups
Exercise for Senior Citizens.A list of resources put together by
Health in Aging Foundation. Created by the
American Geriatrics Society's Health in Aging Foundation, to provide consumers and caregivers with
up-to-date information on health and aging. Overseen by a team of experts on caring for older adults,
content is based on resources that the American Geriatrics Society has developed for its professional
Mayo Clinic
Exercise for
Seniors. Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Getting started,
basics, news, videos, reference material, journal Articles.
How Can I Lose Weight
After 40?
How to Avoid
Having a Heart Attack: Who is at Risk?Heart disease and heart attack can be
prevented or delayed. In order to do this, we must know the risk factors so that we can
recognize them and take preventive steps to correct them.
Chair Exercises for Seniors: A Comprehensive Visual Guide. No matter what age we
are, exercising is super important, especially for those of us who may be over the age of
65. Whether we enjoy it or not, exercising on a regular basis continues to keep our body
moving and functioning properly as we age. Without getting up and entertaining our muscles
with movement, we reduce our chances to age healthfully.
is Senior Isolation, and What Can You do to Help? Do you feel isolated in your
own home? Do you feel removed from family and friends? Do you feel alone with your own
thoughts, with no one to talk to and no opportunity to engage with your community?
Unfortunately, for a large and growing number of seniors, the answer is yes.
Loss Puts Older Adults at Risk: Research Shows Exercise Can Help. As a result of
population growth among adults 65 and older, discussions of mobility and fall risks in
older adults have been thrust to the forefront of public health. The MPH@Baylor program
created a guide with tips and exercises to help reduce fall-risk, and prevent mobility
loss among this community.
and Games for Seniors: Fun and Exercise in One. Safe and fun exercises are
important with senior activity in mind. For obvious reasons, and maybe the not so obvious
seniors need to take special care in how they exercise. The body is older and more fragile
than a younger person's is. The good news is there are many fun activities seniors can
participate in to reap the many health benefits they deliver.
I Safely Exercise with Hypertension?Not only can you safely exercise with
hypertension, you need to exercise with hypertension.
Aging and
In this article, you will find everything there is to know about aging and sleep, body
changes and health problems that have a significant influence on the older people sleeping
habits, and how prescription medication can influence aging and sleep, and, of course,
tips to help you sleep better.
A 2019 Guide to
Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia gives a great overview of the types of dementia
as well as risk factors for developing dementia.
Safety Checklist for Alzheimer's DiseaseA room-by-room checklist to alert you to
potential hazards and to record any changes you need to make to help keep a person with Alzheimer's
disease safe.
Can Kill You. Here's How to Minimize the Risk. Falls are the leading cause of
fatal and nonfatal injuries among older adults. Every 19 minutes in this country, an older
person dies from a fall.
A Senior's
Guide to Healthy Eating. "My goal with this guide is to help seniors live a
fulfilling life, starting with a foundation of good nutrition. From the limitations that
can cause seniors to have poor nutrition, to easy tips to incorporate healthy foods into
your lifestyle or the lifestyle of your loved one, this guide has a lot of information
that I hope will be valuable to you."
Exercising For
Life.When people think about their later years, they usually imagine a life
freed from work or career commitments. They hope, too, that this new freedom will allow
them to give their full attention to family, friends, and the activities they feel most
passionate about. Making this dream a reality, however, requires health and independence,
which in turn require a renewed commitment to staying healthy in general and to
maintaining that health through exercise.
With Alzheimer's
By Neil Porter Brown. Harvard Magazine, September-October 2013. Local chapters of the
Alzheimer's Association offer early-onset and later-stage support groups that provide
resources aimed at keeping people with Alzheimer's engaged in social, physical, and
cognitive activities throughout the course of the disease'and providing outlets and
respite for their caregivers.
A Little of This, a Little of That for Older Exercisers.
By John Hanc. New York Times, March 13, 2013. Strength training complements aerobic
Stay Healthy at 50+', U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. Recommended screenings, health tips, links to information
from government agencies.
Stay Healthy at 50+', U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality. Recommended screenings, health tips, links to information
from government agencies.
Exercises for
Seniors. A commercial site (they sell electric bicycles). This is a
non-commercial page with 29 different exercises designed to be safe and challenging for
seniors and the elderly.
How To Identify and Report Elder Abuse.
Some topics included in this content:
- Types of elder abuse (physical, emotional, financial, etc.)
- How to recognize signs of elder abuse?
- How to report elder abuse?
- Supporting seniors in abusive situations
- National, legal, and counseling resources
- What happens when you report elder abuse?
Not Too Old to Talk to Someone. Paula Spann, New York Times, November 1, 2020. Studies have
shown that older people do as well in psychotherapy as younger ones. But finding and affording therapy
can prove difficult.
National Center on Elder Abuse
AARP: Home & Family
Elder Abuse and
Neglect: In Search of Solutions. American Psychological Association.
Troubled Sibling Bonds to Deal With an Aging Parent'. By Abby Ellin, May 29, 2015, New York
Times. Siblings who may or may not have previously been on good terms can find it difficult to work
out eldercare arrangements with one another, and with the parent. One solution is to make use of Elder
Mediation, an emerging area within family mediation. In 2009 the Association for Conflict Resolution,
a professional organization, started an elder decision section.
When Not Entering Retirement Together'. By Tara Siegel Bernard, March 21, 2014, New York
Times. 'With more and more baby boomers retiring each year
many couples must coexist, if only temporarily, in different phases of life. Living two different
realities can lead to a variety of challenges, both financial and emotional.
Retirement with Supporting Adult Children.
By Beth Braverman and Penelope Wang, Money Magazine, February, 2013.
to Me, Not to My Daughter'. In conversations with service people, the elderly seem to become
invisible. By Fran Hawthorne. New York Times (Retirement'Special Section), May 10, 2012.
With Boomerang Kids'. If your adult child is back under your roof, here are smart tips to
make it easier for everyone. By Holly Robinson. AARP Magazine, October 2010.
Can Medicaid
Take Your Home? A Simple Tool for a Complicated Question.
The question of if Medicaid can 'take' an applicant's or beneficiary's home is complicated and there
are many variables such as the home's equity value, ownership interests, who lives in the home, and
the state.
Senior's guide to
Medicare. Knowing the facts about what options are available can help you decide on an
appropriate plan.
Medicare for Expats:
Guide and Moving Abroad Checklist. If you're an expat, someone who lives outside their home
country, you can enroll in Medicare from abroad once you're eligible. However, there's limited
coverage outside of the United States. This guide helps you decide which Medicare plans are best for
you and includes a moving abroad checklist.
Find Medicare Part D Prescription
Drug Plan Coverage
- How Much Does Medicare Part D Cost?
- What Part D Coverage is Available?
- Does Medicare Part D Have Coverage Gaps?
- Sources
What Is Medicare? Medicare is the
federal government's health insurance program that primarily covers people 65 and older. Original
Medicare plans do not cover all medical costs, but you can buy other plans that help offset those
expenses, including Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement Insurance (Medigap).
Medicare for
While you are no 'dummy,' the Medicare system does take some understanding and careful explanation.
How does it work, how can it help you meet your healthcare needs, what Medicare plan is best for your
situation, and what you need to do to get enrolled?
In this article, we will carefully explain and explore all of these questions and explain everything
you need to know about Medicare and how to make it work for you.
AARP Medicare Resource
Center. Includes Medicare basics, managing your Medicare, Medicare options. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Kaiser Health News. Kaiser Family
Foundation. 'KHN's mission is to provide high-quality coverage of health policy issues and
developments at the federal and state levels. In addition, KHN covers trends in the delivery of health
care and in the marketplace.'
How Does
Medicare Work? And How To Make It Work For You. In this article, we will give an in-depth
explanation of Medicare, how it works, the options available to you, and the best ways to supplement
your Medicare coverage.
Signs of Age Discrimination'. By Bruce Horovitz. These signs may mean you are a target at
work. Includes links to 'Don't Get Tripped Up on These Interview Questions' and to other related
articles. AARP Bulletin, November 2015.
basics: Ten facts about Social Securty'. Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, uupdated
August 7, 2017.
6 Travel Tips for Seniors. Here are some
valuable travel tips to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.
Crossword Puzzle Answers
Topo Maps, Points of Interests and Places to
Visit. offers topographic maps and photos of over 1.25 million water,
land and man-made landmarks in the United States.
Digital Literacy
and Inclusion for Older Adults. Research and Articles on Bridging the Digital Divide.
25 Free
Online Classes for Seniors. You're never too old to learn something new
Find A Lake Near You! and Find A Beach Near You!
Fishing License Discounts & Exemptions: All States. To help seniors throughout the US take
advantage of fishing opportunities, we've researched which states offer discounted or free fishing
licenses and set them out both in map and table form.
guide to flying for people with disabilities. The key to smooth air travel is knowing your
rights and options and planning for a great trip.
11 Fun
And Easy Activities For Seniors With Limited Mobility. According to the U.S. Census Bureau,
there are more than 54 million people aged 65 and over in the US alone, with many suffering from
limited mobility. However, this doesn't mean that they can't participate in enjoyable activities and
hobbies and still have a fun and fulfilling older life.
Beach Safety Guide
for Seniors and Their Caretakers. Going to the beach should be fun for everyone! Seniors are
no exception.
The 14
Best Travel Sites for Seniors. Tami Rogers, Seniorly, January 30, 2021. Whether you want to
travel in a group with other seniors, or work as a volunteer, or you have limited mobility here is a
list of more than 14 options for your next trip.
Ten Travel Tips for Senior Travelers.
Leonard J. Hansen, Aging Care.
and What You Should Know. Christina Ianzito, AARP, Updated January 12, 2021. Experts advise
staying home as pandemic surges in U.S.
Travel solo? No problem!.
'Everywhere I go in the world, I meet lots of female solo travelers, and many, like me, are over the
age of 60.'
Rough Guides.
Make the most of your time on Earth. For over 35 years, Rough Guides has provided expert travel advice
and can now plan and book tailor-made trips for its independent-minded travellers.
Senior Travelers by Rick Steves.
Travel with a challenge: countries and cultures, cruises and nature vacations for mature travelers.
Links to senior travel Articles, websites, print resources, and
senior-friendly volunteer vacations.
Road Scholar; Adventures in Lifelong
Learning (formerly Elderhostel)
Road Scholar, the not-for-profit leader in educational travel since 1975, offers more than
7,000 educational tours in all 50 states and 150 countries. Alongside local and renowned
experts, experience in-depth and behind-the-scenes learning opportunities, from cultural
tours and study cruises to walking, biking and more.
The Income Gap is Jeopardizing
Retirement for Millions of Americans. Older Americans in the lower middle class are losing
ground financially, Paula Span says in her New York Times column, The New Old Age.
Planning. Retirement planning often encompasses more than simply choosing a few investments and
waiting for your money to grow.
Lifelong Learning Resources for Seniors in Every State.
for Getting Your Financial Life in Order in Hard Times. Paul R. Brown, New York Times,
January 14, 2021. Financial advice for the immediate issues and for retirement. But for deep problems
you are likely to need additional help.
Volunteering Still Offers Benefits. Mark Miller, New York Times, October 28, 2020. Older
adults, particularly vulnerable in a pandemic, still work for their causes, but primarily from home
Anyone Afford to Retire in Massachusetts? Brianna Bell, Boston Globe, August 26, 2020.
Spending your golden years in the Bay State comes at a steep price. Here are four ways to ease the
sticker shock. Retirement. Includes saving for
retirement, Social Security retirement benefits, protecting your private pension benefits, public
service and volunteer opportunities.
CNN Money, Ultimate Guide to
Money's Guide to Living Well for Less.
Longer, Living Better. Boston Globe. A guide to health, wealth, and
happiness in later years.
Center for Retirement Research, Boston College.
Promotes research on retirement issues, transmits new findings to the policy community and the public,
helps train new scholars, and broadens access to valuable data sources.
Yourself Mentally for Retirement". By Nanci Hellmich, USA Today, October
22, 2013. When you retire, you have to establish a new identity, purpose and